JNMOM upset that my Dad is walking me down the aisle

Devils advocate here. I agree with your Mom. I’m in the event world and present at weddings every week. It breaks me heart when a mother her raised her children is pushed out by an absentee father who used money and a newfound relationship with their child. Your Mother raised you, she deserves to be part of your processional into your new married life and it’s extremely disrespectful that you are choosing your Father over her.

Your Father walking you down the aisle is an antiquated tradition that devalues the importance of Mothers who were there raising their babies sacrificing for their kids. Now if you had a Dad that was always a part of your life who supported you at every age and a Mom who was abusive or a bad parent, then obviously choose Dad. But it sounds like your Mom was your parent and you are ignoring that and making excuses for it being “distracting” to guests. That’s a lame excuse, who cares if it’s distracting.

If you must have you father walk you down the aisle my suggestion is to have your Mother start you down the aisle and then your Dad meet you half way or vice versa. Your Mom can give you a kiss and then take her seat. This is an easy way to honor your Mother and still have your Father walk you down the aisle.