Job advice in regards to mental health needed.

I've tried everything. Had dozens of doctors

It isnt quite SAD because I get hypomania in the summer and can't take antidepressants because of the same reason.

Been prescribed lithium Quetiapine 5 antidepressants modafinil lamotragine

I'm on trt now hoped that would help but improved things but not enough.

Read studies on inflammation tried anti inflammitories my blood pressure also rises in winter so on medication for it. Still get fatigue and depression

Corrected vitamin D and B12 deficiencies.

Had lots of private bloodwork done as well and private doctors. Found my thyroid is at bottom of reference range too but doctors won't treat it as fractionally in range so I bought levothyroxine online and am now experimenting with that.

I also buy metformin and levothyroxine modafinil online and also take my trt myself despite being diagnosed by doctors as required.

I've exhausted possabilities with doctors so decided to look for underlying health dysfunction which i found and corrected it hoping it would help and it did.

I no longer need to take lithium and my mood no longer rapidly cycles and sticks to winter summer changes. And then this year was milder than it used to be.

I've optimised and corrected my health issues but cannot change the rest and I think it is either related to sun light or barometric pressure.

I had my dna sequenced and have mutations which impact dopamine and increased MAO ie increased degredation of neurotransmitters

Modafinil definitely helps me a lot but not enough.

Some might say this is wreckless but I'm willing to do whatever it takes to correct it since I've exhausted all options.

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