Joe Biden Positions Himself as the ‘Anti-Bernie’

Joe Biden, Tulsi Gabbard and Bernie Sanders have the best chances from the known figures in DNC camp to win in 2020. Of the three, I place most confidence in Joe Biden and Tulsi Gabbard equally. I feel strongly Joe can win back the blue collar liberals and democrats. He's always wanted to be PoTUS too and he stands the best chances in 2020. Don't look at the age - Trump will almost be just as old - look at what the man can say and do. Tulsi Gabbard can be a new and calming face of the DNC and I see her uniting America, if she can tone down some of her gun grabbing policies.

Bernie on the other hand stands good chances too. Not by inspiring the Reagan democrats to come back to the party, but mostly by inspiring the college age and older millennials to visit the voting booths by the droves. Like what we saw with Jeremy Corbyn in the UK.

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