Joe Rogan #1115: Mike Baker is a former CIA covert operations officer. Currently he is the president of Diligence LLC, a global intelligence and security firm.

Dear lord, that was so overly simplistic and stupid that it makes me cringe. There's been conspiracies, murders, false flags, big wars, and more long before the U.S. even existed. It's the story of human kind. This whole idea that the U.S. is responsible for all of the terrible things in the world is pseudo-intellectual liberal styled brainwashing.

It should be common sense to anyone with half a brain that we live on a planet with finite resources and that naturally, when various factions need those resources to sustain itself, they will all compete for it. This behavior has not only been studied in animals but also artificial intelligence. This is just the way it is and it doesn't just apply to humanity, either. The universe itself operates in this naturally selective way, in which only certain things obtain the proper resources or components to survive or exist at all.

All major nations are guilty of the same things. The question you must ask yourself is which particular ideology and structure do you support or believe is the best route for humanity to progress. For me, it's without any doubt the U.S. directive rather than say that of China or Russia.

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