Joe Rogan after Everlast Interrupted him for the Nth Time. JRE #964

Yeah, I agree. I cringed when Rogan played that video for Everlast. The dude's kid has cystic fibrosis. A self-help motivational video from some blowhard doofus doing hackneyed douche-y memespeak you hear from every sports coach was beyond insulting. There's a time and place to use that as inspiration. As hokey and comical and predictable as those douche-y videos are, they do work from time to time. But, damn, Joe, Everlast wasn't just being a lazy couch potato. But who knows. They've been friends a very long time. So it could just be that, like how many of us get with old friends, Joe is tired of hearing Everlast be the guy for years who promises he's on his last binge and he's gonna wake up first thing tomorrow morning, drink up cracked eggs in a glass and run museum steps. Joe probably feels like you say it's your kid now, but there's always been some shit getting in your way since I've known you, I'm tired of recycling this working out conversation. But alot of it seemed to come from the place in which Joe has a big weakness. He's very mentally strong. He doesn't really understand or relate to fragile psyches or emotional people and usually comes off insensitive. Joe just sees every challenge as something to conquer and for the most part he's been very successful. Everlast has had many ups and downs in his life and career. But he's always plotting a new comeback or way to stay relevant enough. He is the guy who did Back From The Dead and I'm the same motherfucker that I ever was after his first heart attack. But Everlast seemed to be saying that this is my fucking kid and she's dealing with something that can't be conquered, it's so out of our control, we just have to deal with making the best of it, and it's fucking maddening. Joe is the type to say this changes nothing. I am going to the gym, the dojo, the studio and the club, I will try to work in dropping in to see you at the hospital at some point. Remember, babe, life goes on, this changes nothing, move forward. Everlast is more the opposite. He'll fuck everything in his life up because he won't stop crying his heart out at his kid's bedside. There both kind of extremists like that.

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