Joe Rogan is not the underdog or an independent voice. Joe Rogan is / part of main stream media.

I hear the question, but I think it goes without saying that there is a crater in-between the nonsense you or I post and gullible idiot believing in our flying spaghetti monster, and then joe Rogan bringing on big names about already controversial topics that are making their way in in the conversation and at that, hurting said conversations.

Somewhere there must be a scale that can measure the level of danger both of these pose. I think we'd say one is orders of magnitudes higher. Those, whatever you want to describe those as, are what I'm talking about. When those misinformed talking points find themselves well outside their normal boundaries, that sounds like reason for alarm more so than some dummy saying he thinks the earth is flat. Again, one of these without any further investigation is actively hurting a not insignificant portion of the population.

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