John McAfee talks about how the CIA took over the US in 1960 and killed Kennedy two weeks after he seriously started trying to disband it. He says presidents are all puppets, they get fake intel from the CIA and just act. An unelected group of drug running, war mongering criminals runs our country

He’s full of shit. Guilty of every crime they accused him of.

I know some people who were close to him (employment)

I knew the dead man’s switch was bullshit. He used this kind of rhetoric to cover up the fact that he was a bath salt using paranoid nut job who scams people left and right out of they’re crypto.

Dude literally paid people to not leave a taped square and mine crypto all day for him like mice on a wheel while he let girls shit on him through a hammock.

He would pay low life’s and Methhead to do crimes and intimidate people within his circle who he lost trust in.

Just a real piece of shit who owned all the law enforcement in that little Tennessee town.

Anyone calling this man a hero is a fucktard

Once again he only talked about extreme freedom cuz like all typical crazy wealthy white assholes, he just wanted the freedom to do what HE wanted more so than anybody else.

Now he got what he deserved.

And all his shills know I’m speaking the truth so don’t bother me. Lol

I’ll put a hollow point in your ass quicker than you can say “taxation is theft”.

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