John McCain Warns Trump: I’m Prepared To Codify Russian Sanctions Into Law

I sent an email to McCain as well as the senators and representatives from my state. It basically says this:

Dear (local) Senator:

First, I'd like to thank you for all the work you've done for the United States and for [our state].

I am writing you today because I hope you will increase your efforts to stand up to Trump, as he does not share my values, nor the values of over 65 million American voters.

Trump has been alluding to lifting the sanctions against Russia. Senator John McCain said on Friday, "For the sake of America’s national security and that of our allies, I hope President Trump will put an end to this speculation and reject such a reckless course. If he does not, I will work with my colleagues to codify sanctions against Russia into law."

I urge you to officially support McCain's efforts to codify sanctions against Russia into law, and to continue to investigate Trump's financial interests and ties to Russia.

The United States needs a President who can put aside their own selfish interests in order to serve the nation. I ask you to use your position in the Senate to do whatever you can to stop Trump from abusing his power.

Thank you.

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