John Oliver - Brazilian Corruption

Speaking as a left-ish brazilian historian, this is the first time that John let me down. Nothing is clear as he puts it and things are a lot more gray than black and white. We had a though - and I think he made some minutes about our election day - election, about 53% voted on Dilma, so the country is pretty much divided. Now, the right wing start a movement to make an impeachment, bleeding our democracy in the way, as no document stands acusing her. Of course, she isn´t a good president, but, oh, the other guys... the other guys are just terrible. One of them had 450kg of cocain in his private helicopter in his own landing zone...

So, what is the problem that John didn´t adrees - the worst one, in my view: the right wing - and I am speaking in a big, big scope here so, blame me not - is brainless, completely full of shit. People asking for the MILITAR to assume power, since they don't have freedom of speech! C'mon! You think you don't have freedom of speech so you ask for a militar government? Other funny incongruences appears here and there. Another example is that people are asking Dilma's head for corruption while using CBF's uniform. Yeah, that CBF. You remember them...

The brazilian elite is right wing and we use the term 'coxinha' to identify them. So, they say that the PT government - Dilma's party - put the country in shame, but - and if you look as a historian's point of view - it had a big, big improvement for the poor people. Faminish numbers are smaller as the youngs who don't go to school. She did amazing things for D and E social class. If you look at the photographs from last sunday, you will see that only middle-class up are on the street. For example, Salvador - a city with a lot of black humans - looks like paris - as a friend of mine said.

John speak for only one side of the coin. I can't defend Dilma's precidency, since she did put a knife in our backs. But she is on the right side of the law, she has the right to stay. In my own opinion, the brazilian have to take the streets and put preassure on the government for a reform, for better education, healthy and more respect. Show who is in charge. But ask for her to go away, bleeding our democracy? Asking for the military to seizure power? Oh, no. No, no and no! We need more history classes.

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