Johnny Bravo still relevant today

Okay, I REALLY don't want to come off as flexing, but how does that even happen? I've never weighed more than 135 at 5'7", and I work a semi active job which I'm sure a lot of overweight people do as well. I can't eat too much or I'll feel sick, but I know people who just don't stop eating, if that has something to do with it. If I just eat until I "feel full", I become very underweight maintaining between 110 and 115 so I still have to eat a little more than I want to so I assume my case is the reverse of most people. People tell me "I'm lucky", but if I'm at a healthy weight for my height without having to be careful of my diet, other than eat just a little more than I want, shouldn't that be the majority of people as well?

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