Johnny Depp Submitted 87 Videos Of Amber Heard’s Attacks, Actress Used Scandal For Career

This is an intellectually dishonest argument. A conservative posting on r/politics gets the same treatment. The vast majority of social media is an echo chamber, this is something we know.

Is that including all the issues with antifa?

You gotta see how making that statement is silly. The conservatives are fighting for their own way of life and identity just like the left is.

So you truly believe that someone grabbing a gun and shooting a bunch of people isnt mentally ill? I would say that the person is very ill and unstable. As for if something is considered a terrorist act, it's all got to do with motivation. The definition varies but generally it's got to do with "violence for political or religious aims" the vast majority of these white guys shooting up public places dont have a political or religious aim. The majority of manifestos don't have anything to do with politics or religion.

I've covered this already, the forums have been cleaned up.

Man, you gotta see how you're being biased. What you're saying just isnt true

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