Want to join

  • How active is this corp around 12:00PM eve time?

Is this right after downtime? In that case AUTZ is generally low activity (not just us but in EVE in general). TEST is very USTZ based so most Strat-OPs is gonna be very late night for you. But in a big alliance there's always gonna be something to do.

  • I've tried joining a corp but I don't like them, do you guys offer hauling assets?

We have a few hauling services, but I think you have to be in TEST to use them.

  • Do you guys help out if the corp I am in tries to kill me?

The easiest would be to sell your assets and move to TEST space in an interceptor. Otherwise move your important stuff to a free station so you can move them later.

  • Also, how do I go about leaving my current corp nicely?

If you sell your assets to your corp mates, they get cheap stuff they can use and dont have to haul and you get liquid ISK so you can buy new stuff when you get in TEST. Win-win Also if you are very new and dont have much isk, we give out free ships. So dont worry about not having anything when you move.

  • Do you guys offer help in skill training?

Yes. We have a giant list with skill packs you can download and use with Evemon. Also 30-day and 120-day newbro packs with very useful starter skills.

  • Is it a problem i'm not subbed yet?

I think you have to be subbed to be accepted but I'm not in HR so I dont know the exact rules.

  • Can my GF join along with me and can a vet show her how the game works? She's currently overwhelmed by the complexity of this game.

When you are accepted in to Dreddit you can "recommend" others so they join on your behalf (all explained on the wiki). We have a mentor program where you can get a mentor that will take care of you two, but isn't it easier for you to sit with her and go through the basics?

hopefully these are easy to answer

Yeah that was easy....

TL;DR Resub, move/sell assets, app to Dreddit (you dont have to leave your current corp), join fleets, ask questions on comms, have fun.

/r/evedreddit Thread