Join me and let's make money together!

I play a mean keyboard and make electronica sounding music. My Instagram is @brickandorder, where every day I'm trying to lose weight I also post edited photography from nature. My metrics need work but the audience is there. I am already looking for money sources like affiliation sales and building my philosophy in order to release my ideas into forms of documentation, books, click leads to hosting these materials and gaining more traction. And twitter handle is @heroesbeatzeros

I didn't mention already that I was an accompanying pianist in a high school jam band, and we won 2nd place in 2011 for the Spring Warren's Got Talent.

If we can consolidate some streams of traffic into a team endeavor, which is a yes sacrifice, I'm sure more people will vouch for how good we are when it comes to the skills we have.

For instance back links and bringing accounts together. May Systems and good habits bring more fortune than relying on willpower alone.

Another thing I will add is I'm studying SOAP processing for learning to code for Big Data online and so I can take advantage of existing machine learning solutions, such as IBM Watson. My primary reason for this is use of the Ableton Digital Audio Workstation, and understanding estate in Augmented, Mixed and Virtual reality. I'm inclined to design and have been for modeling photos and would eventually like to brainstorm assets.

I don't describe my personality as a mixed bag, nor do I identify as one.

/r/passive_income Thread