Joining all you NoFappers, time to get serious.

Hello and welcome, great story. Yeah, I agree with your goal to go 144. In all honesty 90 days is only one season and I think it gives people an excuse to bow out after.

Besides, concentrating super hard on the 'days' and what not has the opposite effect I think.

Really, the key is to defeat it psychologically by rendering it powerless.

This ultimately boils down to an exercise in discipline. The fact that you such a clear example of a success story in your life is going to be a major help.

The only serious triggers you should look out for are the hysteria of having to pee. If you don't go right away you'll find your attention gravitating to the region below and your judgement will be slightly off so take a leak as soon as you get any signal.

Obviously, stay away from porn / nudes even if possible. The human body is a remarkable thing but focus on seeing it in person not diminishing them into a flat lifeless screen.

Get good rest - lack of sleep throws judgement.

Watch the booze - also causes dramatic shifts in judgement / mood and disturbs sleep.

Exercise - don't have to lift if that's not your thing - just find something active to do and make it a habit (21 days of consistency establishes a habit)

Stay away from junk food - you don't have to be a bloody saint but don't make the world harder than it already is.

This is about finding the existing resources within yourself.

Don't freak out when you start getting a bunch of looks out and about.

Y'know that saying, 'they know when you have a girlfriend' I actually think it is that in some way - they know you have no sex drive because you fap on the reg so you don't even make a blip on the radar.

Be a man not a mouse.

Good luck & pm me if you need a friend.

/r/NoFap Thread