Get it? The joke is we're BEING DICKHEADS

Anti-feminism doesn't mean anti-women, many are the way you imagine but many are against the kind of feminism which complains about silly non-issues like "manspreading," "mansplaining," and other terms invented just to have something to be outraged about. I am not an anti-feminist, and obviously feminism is needed in areas like the Middle East, India, Africa, and so forth, but in first-world countries I am of the opinion that both women and men have their own issues.

Unfortunately, only women's issues receive mainstream attention, despite 4/5 suicides being men, 93% of workplace fatalities being men, prostate cancer having similar mortality rates to breast cancer yet receiving far less attention, roughly 45% of domestic abuse victims being male, and so forth. Women are the only gender to have a mainstream movement, men do not have that privilege.

Again, there are totally people like the ones you describe, but from the anti-feminists that I have seen talk and have talked to, none of them are against the idea of equality, they just don't like the third-wave and don't like how men are not allowed to have their own movement.

I'm sorry if I unintentionally upset anyone, that was not my intention.

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