Joker-obsessed rapper Dax reacts to a Joker diss rap on his own track

right, and, as the first commenter mentioned, if you're ever thinking to yourself "This is literally me" to a person who has crossed the line into murder and stalking due to their mental health issues, you should seek professional help.

One of the main points the movie makes is that Arthur tries getting professional help and is once again rejected by the system (specifically for budgetary reasons -- a pretty good critique of capitalism's role in healthcare.) You seeing that, and then turning around to say "well if you relate to that guy at any point, seek help" is... kinda funny.

I'm informing you of the existing, tangible culture surrounding the character "the joker". Whether it be from Joker, The Dark Knight, or any other iteration, the communities are made up of the same people.

Holy broad strokes, Batman!

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