Jon Jones Urine Sample Revealed

AlphaBrain 3.0 recipe:

•1.5 liters water •1 large handful powdered beet (as much as you can before it turns into beet slurpee, maybe two tablespoons? The more the better honestly) •1 small handful powdered spinach •daily recommended serving of citrulline malate •whatever a recommended serving is of beta alanine •however much creatine you think you need every day •2 servings of 'green powder' (that trendy shit with spirulina in it) •as much vitamin C as you can handle before having diarrhea... maybe a tablespoon? •maybe some kratom? I'm looking into it. •2 liters diet coke* •a full toothpaste tube's worth of fluoride* *optional If it's too gritty then pull back on the spinach first. The tingles are from the beta-alanine. If you feel sick it's probably the vitamin C. Do not go overboard with the citrulline malate. If your teeth fell out it means you forgot to rinse with salt water after drinking. The cit. mal. and vit. C are the components that have the deleterious effect on teeth (they're acidic), so if you're too lazy to do the salt water thing then you can leave those out, however I wouldn't because vitamin C is supposed to be da bomb according to Charls and citrulline malate is huge big time major league shit. Chase with a shot of apple cider vinegar and DO NOT J__K OFF."

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