Jon on the Iron Throne - worst ending?

How the fuck would be that the best ending for him? Sacrificing for what ? For a bunch of traitors and unloyal men... Westeros is doomed. That's all he has done all his life.. sacrifice. Give the man a break. I really don't see him as a king, and Dany neither. I see them more like war-time kings , kinda like generals idk... They don't have what it takes to be on the throne. One is a fighter and the other a conqueror.. Robert Baratheon was one hell of a fighter but a shit king. Being honorable , loyal and all doesn't make you a good king. I think the best ending for him would be to marry Dany and go away from all of the shit that has been surrounding them all of their lives. Go somewhere quiet and live as a famility with their 99% sure baby :)) . The Irone Throne is meant for someone else in my opinion , IF there will still be an Irone Throne after the Great War. My boy Jonno is good with his pussy , he ain't need a fucking seel chair. Imagine what those blades would to this fibonacci ass...

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