THE JONTRON RANT (videogamedunkey)

Yeah I've seen his videos and I don' think he intentionally targets people with disabilities or seem to be "on the spectrum" however those are the videos that stand out because 1. they get the most views and 2. they are some of his most vicious attacks and thus are some of the "funniest" I disagree though that he doesn't target children. Yes they may be spoiled brats who have some older douche editing and are annoying as fuck but i just think that its not right to make fun of kids as an adult for what is basically just for profit, popularity, and lulz. There are plenty of douchey adults he can make fun of but he wont get the same number of views or money and he knows that which makes him a scumbag IMO. The other thing that was illuminating into his mindset and made me hate him much more was how he blatantly took those private DMs out of context between him and Ethan in order to make Ethan look bad and IMO they weren't even that bad. So that sealed the deal for me that he would be so cynical and or desprerate to strieght up lie to his own followers just to make H3H3 look like a bad guy when he was saying literally the same things about Pyro during the same chat and he didnt mention that in his H3H3 rant video.

On the topic of that little girl, I only saw two of her videos both of which i could not sit through. Ooooo the cringe of hearing a little girl be so cynical, intelligently ignorant, and annoying at such a young age. I assume everything you said is correct about parents helping her and if so they should get the #1 worst parents award. And the whole thing about her being in contact with pederasts doesn't suprise because the adult males who watch her videos and get some type of enjoyment out of it are not doing so because she makes interesting commentary or because of the gameplay because its trash. They are there to have some type of interaction with an 11 year old girl and that is creepy as fuck and her channel should be reverse age restricted if only such a thing existed

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