Jordan Peterson is about 10 times more interesting than his podcast conversations with Sam would indicate.

I find him riveting as well, ive watched 100s of hours of his talks and lectures. But I still feel a lot of it Mumbo jumbo philosophy and not solid, coherent arguments for his positions. I'm not talking about his psychology lectures. I have a bachelors in psychology (not that I know anything) and yea they're great I like them too. Ive watched every single one from 2016 and this semester. I watch all of Peterson's stuff and I like him. But his large events he's become famous doing and his speeches he gives are ridiculously over simplified and to me sound like Mumbo jumbo self-help stuff. For example the "my message to millennials: how to change the world the right way", and his other talks not directly taken from the classroom. I find the man very inspiring and motivating personally but he often still sounds too vague and unrelated to specific arguments to be considered more than a motivational speaker. Rescuing the father, slaying the dragon, ordering the chaos in one's life, "getting yourself together"......that's a big one for me. He literally will spend an hour laying out the problems he's sees in society, very eloquently, then.....his conclusion will seriously just be "I've decided the answer is....get yourself together".....well what the hell is that specifically in his philosophy? It's self motivating, inspirational material. Like I said I like him a lot and as a clinical psychologist I feel like he'd be awesome to engage with personally. But his political musings seem to have no relation to actual complicated problems and solutions in the real world. For example, his idea of the "devouring mother" and the aggressive maternal instinct being one of the primary causes of the regressive left and political turmoil in the United States.....just sounds extremely over simplified once again.

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