Joss Whedon deactivated his Twitter probably due to all the hate he's been getting from Black Widow's character in AOU. Any thoughts? (AOU Spoilers, probably).

As a female, this shit disgusts me. This is the very thing that makes people recoil from Feminism. These people are extremist bullies. Don't have the same views I have? I WILL BURN YOU TO THE FUCKING GROUND. That is their mentality.

I stayed out of gamer gate. But I know about the entire event. Regardless of how you feel about one side or the other, the one thing people don't talk about, is how the games media for years, FOR YEARS...basically bullied anyone if they didn't share the same opinions on gender issues. They would present info as FACTS, and if you didn't agree, you were a sexist pig.

I personally saw this, and even as a female it made me sick. The thing is, not even women agree on the same issues. Not even feminists agree with each other on issues. That is why we need discussion. We need debate. We need a conversation. That matters. But nope, these people aren't interested in that. Their view points are 100% right, and if you don't agree, you are a misogynistic pig. If you are a women that doesn't agree with them, they shame you and cast you out. Same goes for fellow feminists.

And I've seen a rise of these psychos in games, film, and I have no doubt these freaks are going to come out of the wood works with the upcoming presidential election. It makes me so sick, and depressed. Fuck these people so much.

I hate that, I think there are plenty of things that are sexist, or at least gender biased. Things I care about. Things I want to improve for my own gender. But this is not the way. These people are bullies, pieces of shit, psychos, and opportunists.

Just remember, not everyone dislikes Anita Sarkeesian because gasp a women is saying something males don't want to hear. Nah, there are women and men that don't like her, because people like Anita already have "the facts" in their head, and aren't open to discussion. This brand of feminism is parasitic.

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