Journal V: Wandering

I was on Dantooine the other day conducting an inspection of the Commando Corps facilities. As I was making the rounds, I heard a citizen asking another why taxes were so high. Normal enough. I came around again, having a talk with the squad lead there, when I heard the same citizen asking why his neighbor had been taken away for reconditioning. According to him, this neighbor had been distributing excessive amounts of, shall we say, dubious literature questioning Imperial policy, and he had been a general trouble maker. A... little suspicous, but I hoped he'd stop. Unfortunately, as I was exiting, this citizen flew off the handle, saying that he was glad the Emperor is dead following Endor, and that he hoped we'd be next. Naturally, this was all out treason. But it got me thinking. I feel as if there is a disconnect between us and the populace at large. Yes, we are a bit strict with the rules, but as I hope to demonstrate, that is for the greater good.

Incidentally, the man had the gall to try and attack me. I incapactitated him and had him sent away. Protip: don't attack commandos head on.

Anyway, let's get started, shall we?

I: It's a big galaxy.

Have you ever stopped to consider just how much territory we have to cover? A galaxy is a BIG place. Bigger than we can comprehend, if you sit down and try to picture it. We get to manage all of it. Or, almost all of it, thanks to the Rebellion. The point is, we have a lot of things to take care of. We literally don't have the scale needed to hear out every case of petty theft, or who littered on the park last Thursday. If we did try, we'd run out of budget. Seriously. We'd need a judge, leagal counsel, jury, baliffs, facilities, the list goes on and on. For every trial. Yeah. Not even

II: Everything in Moderation

III: Staying Safe

IV: "Empire" does not mean "Tyranny"


Addendum: You keep using that word.

/r/ednwrp Thread