"Journalist" Now Attacking Elon Musk Ever Since He Came Out Out Against Fake News & Yellow Journalism

I think most people have a negative opinion of the media. You only need a pulse and half a brain to tell that there's something deeply wrong with modern journalism in this country.

Just look at his 'totally fair' poll

Create a media credibility rating site?

Yes, this would be good

No, media are awesome

So I either need to think Elon should be the arbiter of truth in his endeavor to create a media credibility site, or I must believe the media are doing a 10/10 job?

The holier-than-thou hypocrisy of big media companies who lay claim to the truth

And he's going to fix this by starting a big media company? Is Elon talking about himself, or others? This guy wouldn't pass his own standards for crediblity.

/r/conspiracy Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com