[JP][News] Fist of the North Star Collab buffs and new monsters announced!

Buffs: Kenshiro: Added TE, TPA, SBR, ATK +200 (now 4205/2020/76) Raoh: Added fire row x2, dark row, ATK +200 (now 3638/2325/63) Toki: Added TE, bind recover, SB, HP +100, ATK +150, RCV +20 (now 2415/1957/652)

New monsters: 6: Kaioh (Dark Devil/Physical, no sub attribute) Awakenings: SB, SBR, 2x TE, one of each elemental resist Stats: (7503/1200/0) highest HP in game! Activated skill: Change left most and right most columns to dark orbs and charge all other skills by one turn Leader skill: 6x attack for dark ATT, no skyfall, 30x additional attack when erasing orbs (resolve clearer) 5: Bat (Light/Wood Attacker/Physical) Awakenings: 2x Bind resist, bind recover, SB, SBR, TE, 3x dark damage reduce Stats:(3575/1625/78) Activated skill: Delay enemies for 2 turns, reduces bind and awoken skill bind by 2 turns Leader skill: 2.5x ATK and RCV for light, extend time to move orbs by 3 secs

RIP no Yuria buffs as of now, you will be missed :,(

/r/PuzzleAndDragons Thread Link - pad.gungho.jp