JRE #1089 - That was the alcohol talking...

Hahaha that was the weirdest 10 seconds of the podcast I've heard. First assumption was that comedians, or basically anyone talking shit with some friends, will say something completely over the top to get a laugh. But there were a couple red flags there. First the way he ended the sentence "In real trouble" he kinda added a gay twang to the word trouble. Then he cuts himself off when he starts going into detail. As if any straight man off the fly could go into detail about how to perform sex on a gay man mounted on your face. And then the way he looks at Jamie was kinda seductive, kind of like that look your girlfriend would give you if her boob popped out of her bikini and she quickly puts it back in and looks to see if you notice(but with that serious "dont you dare say something" face)

/r/JoeRogan Thread