Why use a JS framework

I'm human, so of course I'm biased just like you are. But no I'm not angry. My statement about angular vs react could be summed up as "angular's learning curve is up front with a relatively well lit path and tooling, react's is hidden and requires more effort when you last expect it."

The comment about why React is popular still stand on their own. It's easier for people to start with and build something, which leads to more recommendations to start with it, which leads to more developers and more jobs. Your suggestion to learn what people are looking for in your area -- while a great suggestion -- goes to my point about react's self-reinforcing popularity. There are very few places where react jobs are not available, but jobs with other frameworks are.

Additionally, once you start trying to scale a react project beyond a few features you have to do a lot of things that end up making the popularity less scalable. Where angular is often opinionated out of the box for better or worse (progressively better imo), react projects require your own opinion for many things that are somewhat arbitrary leading to wildly different build processes, file structures, architectures, etc. undermining the benefits of its own popularity.

I don't see which part of this answer is "angry". The question asked "why frameworks and which framework?" I answered it. Unless by angry you mean my analysis has offended you because you prefer React.

And yes, or course it should go without saying (but I guess we gotta say it anyway?) -- always be learning, working to become a better programmer. Using a framework as a crutch won't end well. Make sure you understand what it's doing conceptually at the very least and (ideally) take some time to reproduce the functionality in plain javascript and/or typescript once at least.

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