JU from r/thanksimcured. That sub rejects genuinely good advice when they see it.

I agree, I really don’t like that sub for that exact reason.

They act like their mental illnesses are hopelessly incurable and anybody that attempts to make them feel better is purposefully ignoring the struggle. No, dude, when someone says, “try to think positively” they’re not trying to undermine the struggle, they’re trying to help. It might not help, but don’t knock them for trying. I mean, be thankful someone cares at all.

Some of the posts they make fun of are of decent advice that anyone could take seriously and really help themselves. If they choose to reject the advice and to not take it seriously, that’s on them. The only way people can change is if they want to change and half the people on that sub don’t want to change.

/r/JustUnsubbed Thread Link - i.redd.it