Judd Apatow Says Warner Bros. Showed ‘Stunning’ Disrespect in HBO Max Bombshell Decision

I love this move! I hate theaters now more than ever. Why would I want to pay upwards of 20 bucks to sit in a room that smells like popcorn farts with a bunch of strangers slobbering and breathing diseases all over me? Then I have to watch a movie in such a way that I can't get up to piss for two whole hours, I can't back something up if I missed it...and WHY is this even still a thing,COVID or not? These film makers will have to just adapt or die. They said adding sound would kill the movie business too! Then everyone bitched about color, then VCRS....Look, directors...this may be difficult for you to imagine but I don't care if you're made less rich by this decision. Millionaires become a miniscule amount less wealth is of ZERO concern to me and you are fucking tone deaf if you think I'd empathize. I don't care if you have less money in your roofies, hush money and cocaine budget.

/r/boxoffice Thread Link - variety.com