A judge has halted Biden's relief program for farmers because it discriminated against white people. Could this have a larger impact on similar things such as affirmative action?

I can only assume you’ve never worked in a job that requires intelligence, creativity, or critical thinking because I assure you that memorizing some vocab and solving some math problems that mean nothing to you are not good indicators of future success.

Don’t get me wrong, people with perfect scores are probably smarter than those in the 25th percentile… but outside of those extremes I’d also try and find a diamond in the rough from someone that grew up in a shitty environment and overcame it to do fairly well. They tend to be motivated and when finally given a level playing field can often greatly excel over some privileged kid who has parents that care a little too much and hired a team of tutors to try and squeak out every point the kid could get.

I mean I don’t love affirmative action in its current form or much else about the admissions problem, but stop acting like most of the people with slightly above average test scores have worked harder than some poor kid who raised his siblings, dodged bullets on the way to school, had teachers that were busy trying to stop fights and drug deals, but still dares to dream about going to a good school some day. Of course people of any race can face that and even privileged kids might have an amazing work ethic, but please don’t act like some bullshit scores tell a person’s deservedness, value, or life story.

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