Judge sentences former reality TV star Josh Duggar to more than 12 years in prison for child pornography conviction

From a less sinister standpoint the priesthood has historically been a place for men to go when they have "sinful" sexual urges of any kind and cannot allow society to know about it. Used to be (and sometimes still is) because of normal queer orientations, but was also frequently because they were attracted to children. So they use celibacy to try to manage their sexual orientation, whatever it may be. Unfortunately it doesn't always work that way, and it's baked so far into the institution at this point that, while not all priests are pedophiles, enough are that it would be difficult to get rid of them all. For the church, anyway. They should be dealt with as quickly as possible because regardless of your stance on religion no one deserves to be abused by someone who is supposed to help them live fulfilled, faithful lives.

Basically celibate priesthood is the reason shit like this happens and needs to fucking end

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