Julian Assange faces a 175 year sentence if extradited from a British prison to the U.S. for revealing war crimes such as U.S. military gunning down civilians in Iraq, which include children and two Reuters journalists (Saeed and Namir). [Collateral Murder]

My point was essentially that the general population is unaware and it's not just conservatives that are going:

? The general population of America at least knows of American wrongdoings, we're taught about them as soon as 2nd grade.

For instance, who's the bad guy in the Uyghur-China situation? The general consensus is that China's the bad one.

They're thought of the bad ones because they're committing genocide. So yeah, I'd say they're the bad guy.

The Chinese response was a reverse-genocide op, albeit using oppressive measures

I'd imagine if your response is to genocide a group it doesn't matter if someone else was the cause.

Yet, how many people in the world are talking about the US genociding Uyghurs? None. China bad, American genocide good.

Because China is the one committing the act of genocide. The US in this scenario are in the wrong for inciting violence but that doesn't make China's actions good nor justifiable.

In this case both are in the wrong and their is no right side. Take for instance France post WW2 when they jailed and brutally beat up any Germans, regardless if they served or not. Were what the Germans did wrong? Yes, but that didn't justify the needless beatings of German citizens.

Nobody thinks American genocide is 'good'. Really I am not sure where you're getting this from.

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