Juliane Koepcke, age 17, was sucked out of an airplane after it was struck by a bolt of lightning. She fell 2 miles to the ground strapped to her seat and survived. She had to endure a 10-day walk through the Amazon Jungle before being rescued. 1 survivor out of 93 passengers & crew. (December 1

Juliane Koepcke: Aftermath

The unlikelihood of Koepcke's survival has been the subject of much speculation. It is known that she was seatbelted into her seat and thus somewhat shielded and cushioned, but it has also been theorized that the outer pair of seats – those on each side of Koepcke, which came attached to hers as part of a row of three – functioned like a parachute and slowed her fall. The impact may also have been lessened by thunderstorm updraft and the landing site's thick foliage. Her experience was widely reported and is the subject of one feature length fictional film and one documentary.

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