Why jungle is the hardest role to master?

All usual lane activities require you to only:

  • Focus on you and your enemy laner (basically, pay attention to centre of your screen)
  • Blame your other laners for no Ping when ganked by enemy laners
  • Blame your jungler when ganked by enemy jungler
  • make sure you vote NO in every Surrender Vote, because you've seen Faker outplaying in Zed vs Zed matchup, so you can definitely always outplay your enemies

All jungle activities require you to mostly:

  • pay attention to the whole of your screen (including minimap)
  • make sure taking each CS won't drain your health completely (except Crab, no CS in jungle is free)
  • guess where in the Fog of War are potential threats (hint: they are everywhere and in every unwarded brush)
  • when you see enemy jungler ganking on the other side of the map you always breathe with relief, as it gives you at least 30-45 seconds of peace of mind
  • every 10 seconds to track position of all visible enemy players and 4 allied players, and guess which location is most vunerable
  • optimise your build path, so that on top of countering enemy damage or improving your Damage scalings you still survive in the jungle
  • make sure you vote YES in every surrender vote, as playing from behind feels even more depressing
/r/summonerschool Thread