I just have to say!

I think this place is overall much better than the average subreddit. However it suffers from many of the same issues:

1)Repetition. There's at least 1 post ever few days asking about Gardens of the moon. Most recommendations just repeat themselves,after a while here it's rare to see something I didn't see before.

2)Short/incomplete answers. If someone asks for a recommendation, at least make an effort. Try to make a case for your pick. For example, if someone asks for a fantasy series with an emphasis on politics, obviously there will be an answer saying "got". However, why not elaborate a bit? In a non spoiler way,explain it a bit. At least a few sentences to make the OP have a feel about what's going on.There have been many threads where most answers where either one word, ore one word with "it's amazing you have to try it! " or something similar.

3)Bias. This is true for all of reddit , however when I first came here it didn't feel as obvious. Too many discussions on politics,feminism,racism etc are completely one sided. The good guys are angels, the bad guys are nazis,white supremacists and probably rapists, also, trump supporters. To give you a simple example, the whole sad puppies fiasco. I was someone who never cared about hugo,nebula or other awards. I only heard about them by name. Instead of being a discussion, a place where someone like me can come and try to figure out what's happening, this place was incredibly one sided. People where repeating weak arguments taken out of context and everyone who even slightly disagreed was downvoted most of the time. It made it seem like a clear cut issue but after some reading,even if I didn't agree completely, it's obvious to me the puppies had at least a few good points to make.

It's gotten to a point where I completely skip most posts about politics,racism,feminism,women in literature or other potentially divisive subjects. I know most people there are just agreeing with each other and few are making new or different posts. The fact that the "dissenters" are downvoted probably disparage many people from saying anything.

Maybe that's just be though,now for a more silly answer, the other minor thing that's been bugging me are the rules. Each one is a blue link, only the second is black ( I don't use custom scripts). It just hurts my eyes! I want to click on "no memes" and see a meme...It's 2016.

/r/Fantasy Thread