I just have to say!

I know, it was just an example. It can be interesting if the answers are different it would be more interesting. I don't know what could be done. Maybe if a popular topic is mentioned the automoderator(or a mod,even a regular user) could post comprehensive answer,curated from other popular comments. It would also be helpful because new people would be inclined to bring different arguments.

And true, this sub wasn't special in any way, What's happening now with the american elections made me unsub from a couple of subreddits... I just always had this notion that if shit hits the fan, there will be a few,I hesitate to say, "safe spaces" on reddit,where you can discuss stuff without worrying about it. Askhistorians is probably the best example, others being smaller subs. Still the mods have done a good job, even if things where better a while ago.

Anyway, what do you think about number 2 ? I would like some sort of rule in recommendation on other threads. If you think a book or series is good or it sucks, you need at least 2-3 sentences to back up your claim.And you should have proper arguments.

I actually remember something like this,relating to you. The details are fuzzy but this is the gist of it. Someone asked a recommendation and a user recommended one of your books. the answer was only your name and the title. A second user commented that you are a "redditor" and gave your username. A third user said that he read your books because you are active here and a nice person. A forth said that he met you once(or something similar).Then you showed up and said something. Op responded,thanking them for the recommendation and saying he will check it out. 6 comments (and a couple more besides these) and I still had no clue what it's all about...had to check on goodreads...

/r/Fantasy Thread Parent