Just another teenage suicide.

Hey man, while I can’t put myself in your shoes. I can slightly understand what you’re going through. A best friend of mine committed suicide a year ago. And the mental and emotional anguish that it caused me and his family was terrible.

People do care about you. People do love you. From what I have seen and experienced myself. Your life isn’t just your own. It’s the people are you who care about you and have thought about you. The people around you may not be the best at showing their love and care for you. But I know they do.

Yes to the masses you’ll be another number. But to the small amount of people that do know you and the people that you talked to on here, you’re not a number. You are a person.

A person who has feelings, thoughts, and emotions like the rest of us. If you think no one gave a fuck about you, why am I typing this out? Because I feel pity for you? Or because I think I need to “fix” you? No I’m writing this out and spending this time to help you know that people care about you. That you’re a fucking person. Not a number.

Suicide is not the answer. I’ve had less than savory moments in my life and I’ve had terrible times. But you know what? The bad times? Make the good times Ven better. Those moments of life where we feel free and enjoy living, are the best fucking things this life has to offer. It makes life worth living.

/r/SuicideWatch Thread