I just beat Shadow of the Colossus for the first time.

It is not specifically said if she is a love interest, it is stated that she was a maiden who was sacrificed for having a cursed destiny. I imagine if he is going through all this trouble to save her she is important to him somehow. As with most things in this game the baby isnt explained in great detail. The baby is you the player after being sucked into the pool of light. I even tried to look it up but didnt find anything more than what the game tells you. The way I imagine it, the being who posses you, Dormin (Dormin is nimrod backwards, a reference to king nimrod, whos body was famously chopped into pieces much like dormins body was split into the 16 colossi) was a evil entity, tricking you into restoring his power. The pool of light which was created when the sword of light was cast into it sucks Dormins essence from you, leaving you back in your human form, though still cursed (you still have the horns and sickly skin) after that you yourself are sucked in as well. The pool of light doesnt kill you though it simply seals away or destroys the evil that is inside you. Leaving you as a being of pure good. Which the only human who is entirely good would be an innocent baby as every adult holds some small amount of evil inside of them. Why was the land forbidden in the first place? Well the whole area is said in game to be cursed. Since there are temples and structures it can be assumed people once did live there. Dormins body was split up into 16 pieces so at one time he was a whole being in the past and probably was fucking shit up and terrorizing the land so they created the sword of light and defeated Dormin splitting his body. But they couldnt destroy him outright and part of him was still able to survive. The disembodied voice that speaks to you through the game. I imagine that since he was still around, the people of the land feared his return and considered the land cursed. Especially now that there were 16 giant ass colossi running amok too. So thay all left and sealed away the whole landmass. Last question. where is the sequal? I am wondering the same thing.

/r/gaming Thread