Just because I don't like Teapot, I don't have to be against it having update every patch and against people who want to build a beautiful world

The reason was a bit vague but I don't think they were bullshtting anyone.

Gacha games make their money off of making people anxious with fomo so they feel forced to spend I don't think they care who gets anxiety.

It's the most replayable content in the game because the enemies will always respawn.

That just shows how there's not much repayable stuff in the game. The abyss stays exactly the same no matter how many times you do it until 2 resets. Something truly replayable would be like the labyrinth event where the levels are randomly generated. It was a rough draft, but that could probably be a fun mode if they work on it some more. The tcg will be replayable since you can challenge real people and every match will be different

What kind of fun game mode are you talking about then

I can only speak for myself but I think a boss rush every week or so would be nice where you can adjust difficulty. Some kind of roguelike mode like the labyrinth or elysian realm in honkai. A co op abyss. I'm not that creative so I can't think of much but mihoyo would be able to come up with something fun and challenging

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