Just because it's military doesn't mean it's hate groups

Genocide isn’t a necessary component in fascism either. Fascism, in its most basic form would be unity through nationality. Note that there is no nod towards genocide in that sentence at all. Also, please also take in consideration how Mussolini’s Fascist Italy did not commit genocide against those they considered “inferior”. Sure, he killed off many political opponents, but so did communists and practically every dictators ever. Moreover, fascism and Nazism aren’t the same thing. Also, Churchill did not willingly starve 3 million people in India. Canada offered wheat but was declined as transport of grain was not possible with the current Japanese naval superiority over the area. Later Churchill asked the Americans for grain but again, it was not possible because the transport ships needed was unable to be supplied as they were going to be used in the D-Day invasion. Please prioritize historic accuracy over “the sake of argument”.

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