Just broke 2k WN8

Firstly, while noobmeter is kind of fucked up (old wn8 values, missing some stuff) it is generally not wrong. If you play more than couple of tanks your wn8 will be fairly accurate representation of you actual wn8 anyway, as the small differences will even out. Only WN8 values are not perfectly correct, but they are really close.

Also the graphs still work perfectly and that was my main point, so your argument is completely invalid.

Secondly, if you refer to something, either link it or copypaste it like you did now, its not my lazyness, its your incompetence. You are supposed to make your claims, I dont have to find them for you.

Realizing you are bad in some areas isnt being a unicum, even red players do that, thats why they are able to improve. What mattes is how accurate you are in this analysis and how much you can make from it.

One thing noobmeter is still very correct at (apart from 907 I think) is the tanks you played in periods of time, like last 1k battles.
Your most played tanks in last 1k battles:
Leopard PTA, WZ 111 4, Borsig, STA 1, IS-6, T62A, 50B, Batchat. Those are your TOP 9 (skipping what noobmeter says is 704 because it might be a 907 as its broken if not it doesnt matter).

All of those tanks are incredible, actually not all of them. Batchat, 50b, 62A, IS-6, Borsig, WZ are absolutely incredible tanks. STA 1 is regarded as good. PTA is a great and solid tank.

So there we go, you "bad tanks, that you play recently" are tanks that are actually awesome.

I could continue the list with E100, T54E1, T37, but whats the point? About 700 of your last 1000 games are in those previously listed tanks.

Yet you still say you now play bad tanks, bad grinds and thats why your stats suffer. If you cannot perform in those tanks you are actually not good at the game.

I broke out some very underwhelming tanks and began to grind those lines.

This just makes me laugh, 54E1, T37, STA 1, PTA, Borsig and 111-4. Calling those underwhelming, just wow dude.

Your stats took a dump because you are actually at this level, you are 2600 player at the moment (recent and overall). You are better than that. Dont take me wrong I am not saying you are a bad player. I am just saying you are not as good as regular 2600 overall player. In fact you are probably not even as good as overall 2k players usually are, because they range from 2500 to 3k recent (some less, some more obviously).

This is why you dont have what you call "respect" because you are actually not as good as your overall stats indicate.

Yeah sure, you might think you are a better player now than you have been 1000 games ago, your stats just dont show any improvement at all, actually they show a decline.

Telling yourself you didnt peak is exactly what is holding you back, did you even see your stats history? You are exactly what peaking means, You absolutely stopped improving at least 6000 games ago. You peaked your stats. You can still do something with it of course, but not with having your recent equal your overall at best and having this attitude of "oh I did not peak I am still improving" when you are clearly not.

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