I just broke up with my boyfriend because of his interest in highly disturbing Internet material. I feel disgusted.

I also watch similar videos, but never for enjoyment of them. I have definitely been desensitized, but it doesn't make me want to perpetrate what I see, or wish to see it in reality, rather it makes me value my life and health, and that of my family, and realize how fortunate we are to be so well insulated from most of these horrors in our day to day life. We are fortunate, most of us, to lead lives where we aren't subject to so many of these terrors that much of the world must face every day.

I hope that this desensitization will perhaps give me an edge should I ever find myself in a terrible situation where someone is hurt and I have the chance to act and help, rather than be a bystander, frozen and unable to help, especially if it is my own family or myself in peril.

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