Just a Bunch Of Plex Scripts

thanks for this!

now I get this issue

PS C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads> python .\ips_to_maps.py 
Namespace(count=2, filename='Map_20170719-200813', 
ignore=None, json=None, location='NA', platform='all', 
Successfully retrieved geolocation data.Successfully retrieved 
geolocation data.Successfully retrieved geolocation data.
Successfully retrieved geolocation data.Successfully retrieved 
geolocation data.Successfully retrieved geolocation data.
Successfully retrieved geolocation data.Successfully retrieved 
geolocation data.Successfully retrieved geolocation data.
Successfully retrieved geolocation data.Successfully retrieved 
geolocation data.Successfully retrieved geolocation data.
Successfully retrieved geolocation data.Successfully retrieved 
geolocation data.PlexPy API 'get_geoip_lookup' request fa
iled: The address is not in the database..PlexPy API 
'get_geoip_lookup' request failed: The address 192.168.
0.100 is not in the database..Successfully retrieved geolocation 
data.Successfully retrieved geolocation data.Successful
ly retrieved geolocation data.Successfully retrieved geolocation 
data.Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ".\ips_to_maps.py", line 425, in <module>
    draw_map(opts.location, geo_json, filename)
  File ".\ips_to_maps.py", line 298, in draw_map
    px, py = m(float(data['lon']), float(data['lat']))
ValueError: could not convert string to float: N/A

Is there a way to exclude the local addresses without making a list of the users and passing that via a command switch?

/r/PleX Thread Parent