Just in case you don’t know what’s happening we’re consolidating downward to 0.00005 possibly more after the huge pump, be careful.

You’re dumb as fuck, seriously. At which point did I tell anyone to sell anything dipshit? All I see in this sub is a bunch of uneducated dip shits posting bullshit and fake screen shotted bullshit and rumours. This post was a dose of reality. The utter desperation in here is hilarious no wonder people pump and dump this coin you idiots are so easily manipulated off a fake robin hood screen shot.

Eat a dick, I 10X’d on you dumped and bought back and I’ll continue to because I’m not a dumb ass.

Get over it, other people have a opinion and hold multiple crypto’s just because you can’t do math or basic research doesn’t mean other people have to listen to your bullshit.

/r/SHIBArmy Thread Parent