Just cause I’m brown, doesn’t mean I vote Blue #MassPedes

Just spit balling here, but I was under the impression that the term "brown" was used exclusively by the left and specifically to give non-white but not black people a color for oppression purposes. Because back in the day it was black folks have been systematically oppressed by whites so whites shouldn't complain about affirmative action/govt assistance type stuff. Fine. But when they tried to add Hispanics to the mix most people said fuck off. Same with middle easterners, Indians, etc. We don't owe them shit. So they call them brown instead, add them to the victim list, and now it's just a given that we oppressed them too because well, they're brown and we don't like that.

At least that's how I remember it. I've never referred to anyone as brown just like I wouldn't call an Asian yellow. Other minorities wanted in on the action and now they are.

That said you can call yourself whatever you want obviously, not my business. I might even be totally wrong here. Just thought I'd toss it out there. Food for thought. Ice cube referred to himself as brown in a song once, a pretty fucking good song at that.

/r/The_Donald Thread Link - i.redd.it