So just to be clear, to unlock all items in the event, you must spend $200?

just to give it all away for free.

Its not for free its to retain their player population and base. I occasionally buy Apex packs to support Respawn. They’re making continual income off of me & other players like me. Even if they weren’t making money off me


A. Getting friends/new customers to play their game

B. Keeping their player population up so the people who do play have someone to play with.

C. Having my Apex clips pop up in others activites feed and keeping the game relevant.

If you just neglect people like me/abuse your customer base we’ll leave and this will be a game of whales. Whales aren’t going to play a dying game with other whales.

Secondly, a lot of us wanted to see Apex make a big splash after it lost a lot of it’s initial hype. A lot of us play this game a lot and want to see it succeed. This really seemed like the opportunity to capture the public’s consciousness and pull everyone back in & they completely blew it.

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