Just did a bad thing

I could be fuzzy after not playing the game in the last month or two, but I could have sworn she played a role in the foundation of the Empire, especially seeing as the Emperor’s line carries her crest. Either way, I’d argue her glorification of the 10 Elites set the example of placing crests on a pedestal. And I already said, she certainly had her reasons for suppressing technology, but I can easily see why someone like Edelgard would view that (rightfully) as blocking human progress.

I felt that was the point of the game. That every party (except the Slitherers) did what they thought was best for everyone. Rhea did her best for her family and race, but inadvertently caused much harm (though she tried to help as well). Edelgard has some misconceptions based on the Slitherers’ info, but is trying to right many of the intrinsic wrongs in the world. Clearly you don’t believe she was correct at all, but I doubt that anything less than a war would have changed Fodlan after a millennia of the same system.

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