I just discovered I'm gay. I come from an extremely religious and conservative family and could use some help navigating my early concerns

hi _^ 19 y/o black boy here I think it was normal for me as soon as I stopped denying things in my head. What was weird is that after I came out(at 15) I wanted to wear all of the things I was too afraid to before so my fashion skills were terrible for awhile and now it's pretty well put together.

Dating isn't so hard, in my experience dating a lot of other black guys a lot of them are either very closeted, or loud and super fem, there's also in between of course but the majority I see are the first two.

Dating non black guys can be kinda weird sometimes, I find that with white guys a lot of them that hit on me expect me to either have a HUGE dick or try to say something weird involving chocolate, or just really obsess over your blackness

/r/askgaybros Thread