Just discovered my fiance has a very promiscuous past and I have thoughts of ending it. Am I being too rash?

Not necessarily. Does OP attempt to have sex with his gf frequently and is denied? Or does OP just think sex should happen all the time and is upset it isn't happening as often as he wants (has he told her he is upset that she isn't putting out often?)?

We know nothing about the situation, for all we know OP is passive when it comes to sex and now he's just pouting because he thinks he deserves more sex. Or he is a prude and upset that a female had sex when she was in college and single, free to do it with whoever she wanted.

I'm just saying that OP is not a Red Piller and we have no idea what kind of person he is. Now he comes here and everyone is telling him to end a 2.5 year relationship just because of this. That's ridiculous. If he does break up with her because of this, and only this, I hope he enjoys being single... because he will be for a while

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