I just discovered something

Its not trying not to experience anything, that's not what i said in my post.

The natural suffering wich comes with having a body

The cause of that is you. And the impulse to experience anything is the cause of you. If you twist it the way you did, its the same impulse at play. You dont see what im saying. This is not a mind game to experience a no-experience. Thats beeing stuck in a loop thats still having goals, and cherishing feelings of attainment and gain in your heart.

In a dead tree the dragon murmurs and truly sees the Path;
When the skull has no consciousness, only then are the eyes clear.
When joy and consciousness come to an end, all happenings are ended;
How can such a one discriminate the pure in the midst of impurity?

All happenings are ended, will never be experienced! All images all experience comes to an end and its seems you won't experience that. There is nothing in it for you.

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