Just discovered this subreddit and I find people has somewhat defeatist attitude.

Lots of people are pointing out how you're wrong about certain things but i think everyone is missing the point of your message which ironically kind of proves your point.

Let's be fair and say that a 3 or 4 inch penis is not completely equal to having a 6 or 7 inch penis. Because we all know that women typically prefer a bigger dick. But the point is that people in this sub treat having a small dick as such a huge problem in their life they get all depressed and have a defeatist attitude, no matter how much you try to point out that it's not as big of a problem as they make it out to be, unless you have an actual micropenis.

Most of you are obsessed with your dick and need to grow up. The reality is this your dick is never going to magically grow 2 inches and magically make you way more attractive to women or whatever you think may be the case. And guess what, no one can improve your attitude except yourself. No amount of complaining on reddit is going to change anything.

/r/smalldickproblems Thread